
The Backpack Accordion Lady
Kathleen has great vibes and a sunshine personality. She has a very inspirational story with great tips & tricks to increase quality of life. Plus she does an amazing job of relating to and adapting to everyone.
Gina Isaacson South Dakota Parks and Rec Events Director
I appreciated how Kathleen took a difficult situation and persevered to begin a new way of life. I enjoyed her story of how one moment can change everything, and yet, her message was to choose to be positive and look for the signs of joy in life.
Shane Bertsch, South Dakota District Park Supervisor
Kathleen’s story and shared wisdom was a true gift to my team. Through her journey, so beautifully spoken, we learned to take “just one tiny impossible step at a time” to make any achievement a possibility. We immediately put that into practice and my team is now “buzzing” with renewed energy and have gone from tiny steps to running. We’re grateful and transformed. Thank you Kathleen!
Christina Johnson, Eurofins President & Global Head
Transformational, energizing, engaging, “I feel alive again”, a fresh start, with fresh new strategies to use… "I’m still buzzing” One tiny impossible step has got me going…
Chatbox Comments, Eurofins
Truly a life of amazing inspiration! Thanks for being so brave to share your profound and raw ups & downs. Thank you for sharing your story and journey with all of us.
Cindy Spangler, Chat Box Buzz, Delta Kappa Gamma
Thank you again and again….I confess I bought your book while you were speaking!
Suzy McBride, Chat Box Buzz, Delta Kappa Gamma
Super…still buzzing! I just ordered 2 copies on Amazon.
CW, Chat Box Buzz, Delta Kappa Gamma
Outstanding presentation…time to hummmm and buzzzz! Applause abounds.
Nancy Howland, Chat Box Buzz, Delta Kappa Gamma
Kathleen, I just love your authenticity and open nature. You combine inspirational thoughts with practical tips. Thank you.
Josephine, Chat Box Buzz, Delta Kappa Gamma
Incredibly exceptional woman! Kathleen, You are an inspiration. May you continue your beautiful life forever.
Kristen, Chat Box Buzz, Delta Kappa Gamma
I’m so glad that you made those two phone calls during your darkest time. The world needs you, Kathleen.
Miss Diana, Chat Box Buzz, Delta Kappa Gamma
Kathleen, thank you so much for your inspiring talk, I thank you from the bottom of my heart, you have come at such a needed time of my life, thank God for your persistence, wishing you many blessings.
Maria CT, Chat Box Buzz, Delta Kappa Gamma
Your tenacity is so inspiring… BZZZZZZZ.
Norene Chanosfsky, Chat Box Buzz, Delta Kappa Gamma
Thank you so much Kathleen! You may have just gotten me to think about taking walks or heaven forbid, the GYM!! EEK! You are amazing! So glad I heard you speak today. Much thanks.
Debra Satz, Chat Box Buzz, Delta Kappa Gamma
Thank you for such an emotional, inspiring, and influential talk. I’m sure there was something in your presentation that spoke to each one of us. My husband, who has Parkinson’s, was listening in as he has had many similiar reactions as he has readjusted his way of approaching life. Again, thank you!
Jane Peterson, Chat Box Buzz, Delta Kappa Gamma
Kathleen, you are amazing-just your willingness to share your personal story took courage. Then to accomplish all that you have is beyond inspiring.. Thanks for sharing with all of us this amazing story, research about the brain, and wonderful strategies for being the best people we can be! As educators, this information about the brain is truly valuable in the education of children and the future for ALL!
Pamela Herkner-Chasse, Chat Box Buzz, Delta Kappa Gamma